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Seven Myths. Nay: Seven Follies (III)

We need a larger fiscal stimulus. [This is part III of a seven-part (!) discussion. Part I, II and IV ...]

#crisi, #economia dell'orrore, #spesa pubblica

Seven Myths. Nay: Seven Follies (II)

Let's look at the second myth. The one that lead BB&Co to cut the Fed Fund Rate to zero last month. Even Bob Lucas, I am told, approved of it. I do not: it is either useless or, most likely, damaging…

#crisi, #economia dell'orrore

Seven Myths. Nay: Seven Follies. (I)

I find the ongoing public debate on the "crisis" and its "solutions" misguided. It is a "100-times larger" replica of the one that took place in 2001-2003 (and gave us the policies the effects of…

#crisi, #economia dell'orrore

The fatal conceit in Paulson's plan

Here's is why, all the other criticisms notwithstanding and no matter how slick and refined the auctions will be, the Paulson plan cannot solve the liquidity and financial crisis anytime soon.

#banche, #banche centrali, #finanza, #mutui

Crisis and Bailout - Updated

This is the third part of 1000 Alitalia in one shot ... I have a "new" coauthor and we have managed to find some data that leave us rather puzzled about the whole thing. In fact, we are still working…

#banche, #banche centrali, #bernanke, #economia dell'orrore, #finanza, #mutui

1000 Alitalia in one shot: so' forti 'sti Amerikani .... (II)

I apologize for being so verbose, but while writing I am trying to also clear my mind of its many confusions. Because nFA is a blog read by many people, I am also trying to make the argument at least…

#banche, #banche centrali, #economia dell'orrore, #finanza, #mutui

1000 Alitalia in one shot: so' forti 'sti amerikani ... (I)

Trying to make sense of what is happening in the US financial markets, and of what the Fed and the US Government are doing, is not that simple. I start today, in the hope to finish the second and…

#banche, #banche centrali, #economia dell'orrore, #finanza, #mutui

The Ultimate Greenspan Put ...

... is being implemented collectively by Bernanke, Paulson and the Congress. It will deliver, it is already delivering, inflation and devaluation of the dollar. While its alleged purpose is to…

#banche, #banche centrali, #bernanke, #bolla immobiliare, #finanza, #teoria economica